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Coprolite Rock Slab 40

  • 1695

Coprolites are the fossilized remains of the dung of prehistoric animals, hence the name “Dino Poop”.  Paleontologists study the deposits to gain insight into the animal’s behavior and eating habits, while the rockhound has found that it is a unique material that takes a nice polish and makes a great conversation piece. Although speculation surrounds the coloring of the fossilized material, it is actually the minerals present during the fossilizing process that determines the color, not what the animal ate.  It takes a nice polish with cerium oxide, tin oxide, or diamond.

Origin:  Utah

Dimensions:  3" x 2.5" and approximately 7.4 mm thick.  Weight = 85 grams. 

Shown wet.  Not polished. Flaws are shown as white lines in the last picture frame.

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